Using multiple product group ID's
Within the conversion script there is an option "productID". This is an ID that is generated by TradeTracker. It is possible to specify a commission structure per product group.
It is not a description of your product or a category description or something, which is often assumed.
There is only one situation in which multiple product groups (ID's) should be used. The only reason to use multiple product group ID's is when you offer 2 or more groups of products for which the difference in profit margin is so large that it is a risk to use 1 general commission model. For this purpose and only this, we would advise the usage of an additional product group ID, but even in this situation it is not 100% necessary. You could also base the affiliate commission you want to pay on the average profit margin of your entire shop. Just keep in mind that only a part of your sales will derive from your affiliate marketing endeavours. At the bottom line the actual commission percentages you spent on affiliates (when using your total profit margin to base this on) will always be on the low side in relation to your total average profit-margin percentage.
It is always possible to use product groups. But every situation is client specific.
There is no 1 general product group implementation solution.
The system you use does not matter, the way the system is configured is more important.
In essence using product groups requires just some basic web programming, in principle it is:
if product x is in category A use product group ID 1 else if product x is in category B use product group ID 2
The amount of time a client will need to set up the usage of product groups for their campaign will depend on the individual situation. We can't say that upfront, because we just can't know, because it is always a custom solution. If someone would need 20 different product groups and they/we would have to create very large regular expressions in order to identify each product to be able to set the correct group for it, it will be somewhat time consuming to set up.On the other hand, if the site already uses correct defined categories that are corresponding with the groups they want to use for example, it would be easier to set up. What you need to take in to consideration is how you are able to identify for each product in which product group the product must be. The usage of categories within a site is for example 1 way to do this. In case you do still need to use multiple product groups, there are some things to take into account.
How will you identify the correct product group for each product within an order? For each product you must be able to identify the correct product group based on a specific identifier, this can be the SKU or category for example.
An order can consist of products from multiple product groups. This implies that the product group will have to be identified on product level, per individual item.
This can be done by a so called basket loop that runs through each product within the order and checks the order category for example.
In the example below a check is done on orderCategory that is a property of order. In case the orderCategory is "hardware" that product gets productID: 321.
$amountsPerProductGroup = array(); foreach ($orders as $order) { switch($order['orderCategory']) { case 'hardware': $productID = '321'; break; case 'software': $productID = '322'; break; default: $productID = '323'; // "general" product ID. break; }
$amountsPerProductGroup[$productID] += $order['orderAmount']; }
foreach ($amountsPerProductGroup as $productID => $transactionAmount) { echo <<<TT <script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', // 'sales' or 'lead'. campaignID: '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]', productID: '$productID', transactionID: '[marker]ORDER ID[/marker]', transactionAmount: '$transactionAmount', quantity: '1', descrMerchant: '', descrAffiliate: '', currency: '', vc: '' }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]&pid=$productID&tid=[marker]ORDER ID[/marker]&tam=$transactionAmount&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant=&descrAffiliate=&event=sales&currency=&vc=" alt="" /> </noscript> TT; }
echo <<<TT <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script> TT; // Leave a blank line here.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=23
23-May-2019 15:07:36 |
Strato Webshop
Multi country solution with tracking group ID
GERMAN Navigate to Einstellungen --> Warenkorbeinstellungen --> Texte
ENGLISH Navigate to Settings --> Basket Settings --> Texts
Scroll down to: Texts in both order processes
Look for the entry: Text for confirmation page / Affiliate tracking code
or for German, scroll down to: Texte in beiden Bestellprozessen
Look for the entry: Text für Bestätigungsseite / Affiliate-Tracking-Code
Click the < > html button. (Click in the text input field and click the < > html button).
It's advisable to add the script below for both language entries, seeing as a user can specify the language. Add the following codes to both entry fields.
NOTE: Make sure to click the < > html button first!
<script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', campaignID: '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]', trackingGroupID: '[marker][/marker]', productID: '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]', transactionID: '#OrderNumber', transactionAmount: '#OrderTotalAmountGross', quantity: '1', descrMerchant: '#CustomerNumber', descrAffiliate: '', currency: '#CurrencyCode' }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//[marker][/marker]&pid=[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]&tid=#OrderNumber&tam=#OrderTotalAmountGross&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant=#CustomerNumber&descrAffiliate=&event=sales¤cy=#CurrencyCode" alt="" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script> This will result in something like:
Click the SAVE button to save these settings.
Please keep in mind that although we do our very best to cover a wide variety of different implementations and web shop systems, programming languages and conversion registration methods for different situations, we want to state here that they are all merely examples and are not guaranteed to work for your specific situation or specific conversion or tracking needs. The reason for this is that the implementation descriptions provided are based on default system configurations and do not take system configuration settings, customisations and usage of plug-ins into account. Besides that there are also a lot of other variables that can have impact on the correct working of our tracking and conversion registration which we just can't know upfront. In case you do encounter or experience issues when implementing our tracking, please report this to your account manager and describe (in detail) the steps you took and if it's possible, provide the code and/or files you are using for your implementation to the account manager.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=22
14-Mar-2019 15:51:40 |
Strato Webshop
Single Country Campaign with campaign and order ID
You can use the filter options above to select your shop system, the version of your shop. The Version info selection is a short description of the implementation method we created for the shop you selected.
GERMAN Navigate to (or click the link and login): Einstellungen --> Warenkorbeinstellungen --> Texte
ENGLISH Navigate to (or click the image or link and login): Settings --> Basket Settings --> Texts
Or just click this image:
Scroll down to: Texts in both order processes
Look for the entry: Text for confirmation page / Affiliate tracking code
In German, scroll down to: Texte in beiden Bestellprozessen
Look for the entry: Text für Bestätigungsseite / Affiliate-Tracking-Code
Click the < > html button. (Click in the text input field and click the < > html button).
It's advisable to add the script below for both language entries, seeing as a user can specify the language. Add the following codes to both entry fields.
NOTE: Make sure to click the < > html button first!
<script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', campaignID: '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]', productID: '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]', transactionID: '#OrderNumber', transactionAmount: '#OrderTotalAmountGross', // Format: 123.45 quantity: '1', descrMerchant: '#CustomerNumber', // Detailed description of the order descrAffiliate: '', // Description of the order. currency: '#CurrencyCode' // Use the ISO 4217 standard, e.g. USD, EUR, GBP, SEK, DKK, NOK, HUF, PLN. }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]&pid=[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]&tid=#OrderNumber&tam=#OrderTotalAmountGross&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant=#CustomerNumber&descrAffiliate=&event=sales¤cy=#CurrencyCode" alt="" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script>
Click the SAVE button to save these settings.
Please keep in mind that although we do our very best to cover a wide variety of different implementations and web shop systems, programming languages and conversion registration methods for different situations, we want to state here that they are all merely examples and are not guaranteed to work for your specific situation or specific conversion or tracking needs. The reason for this is that the implementation descriptions provided are based on default system configurations and do not take system configuration settings, customisations and usage of plug-ins into account. Besides that there are also a lot of other variables that can have impact on the correct working of our tracking and conversion registration which we just can't know upfront. In case you do encounter or experience issues when implementing our tracking, please report this to your account manager and describe (in detail) the steps you took and if it's possible, provide the code and/or files you are using for your implementation to the account manager.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=21
14-Mar-2019 15:53:44 |
Standard implementation
You can use the filter options above to select your shop system, the version of your shop. The Version info selection is a short description of the implementation method we created for the shop you selected.
SETTING UP THE REDIRECT FOR YOUR CAMPAIGN Seeing as osCommerce uses php you can download the redirect file here download index.php
After downloading, please add your domainName to line 6 like after downloading the index redirect file, like:
$domainName = ''; After adding your domain to the index file, it should be uploaded to a folder in the root of your website. The folder must be named a word that best represents your web shop's content.
For more information regarding setting up the redirect we refer you to setting up the redirect guidelines.
SETTING UP THE CONVERSION FOR OSCOMMERCE Download tradetracker.php and log in to the FTP account of your osCommerce based shop.
Upload tradetracker.php to the /includes/ folder of your web server. DO NOT MODIFY THE FILE.
Navigate to the root of your web server and locate, open/edit or download/edit the file checkout_success.php
Copy this code above the div class="contentText" in the checkout_success.php file.
<?php $campaignID = '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]'; $productID = '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]'; $imageTag = include './includes/tradetracker.php'; echo $imageTag; ?> The code must be placed above the div class="contentText", like:
<!-- code above goes here --> <div class="contentText"> Please keep in mind that although we do our very best to cover a wide variety of different implementations and web shop systems, programming languages and conversion registration methods for different situations, we want to state here that they are all merely examples and are not guaranteed to work for your specific situation or specific conversion or tracking needs. The reason for this is that the implementation descriptions provided are based on default system configurations and do not take system configuration settings, customisations and usage of plug-ins into account. Besides that there are also a lot of other variables that can have impact on the correct working of our tracking and conversion registration which we just can't know upfront. In case you do encounter or experience issues when implementing our tracking, please report this to your account manager and describe (in detail) the steps you took and if it's possible, provide the code and/or files you are using for your implementation to the account manager.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=16
05-Dec-2014 09:17:49 |
Group basket items
Login to the Shopify administration backend.
Go to Settings --> Checkout --> Order processing --> Additional content & scripts
Paste the script below to the Additional content & scripts input field. Be sure to substitute the CAMPAIGN_ID and PRODUCT_ID values with the values received from TradeTracker.
<script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', campaignID: 'CAMPAIGN_ID', productID: 'PRODUCT_ID', transactionID: '{{ order.order_number }}', transactionAmount: parseFloat({{ subtotal_price | divided_by: 100 }}) || 0, quantity: '1', descrMerchant: encodeURIComponent('Internal order ID: {{ order_id }}'), descrAffiliate: '', currency: '{{ checkout.currency }}', vc: '{{ checkout.discount_applications[0].title | escape }}', trackingGroupID: '' }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//{{ order.order_number }}&tam={{ subtotal_price / 100 }}&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant={{ transaction.gateway }}&descrAffiliate=&event=sales&currency={{ checkout.currency }}&vc={{ discount.code }}" alt="" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script>
Click Save to save the configuration.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=71
18-Nov-2020 15:09:43 |
Gambio (xt:Commerce)
Order registration per product including VAT
You can use the filter options above to select your shop system, the version of your shop. The Version info selection is a short description of the implementation method we created for the shop you selected.
Download the tradetracker.php file and upload it to the /includes/ folder, located in the root of your FTP account.
Locate checkout_success.php in the root of your account: /WEBROOT/checkout_success.php
Open the checkout_success.php file and within the code locate the following line:
[marker]$main_content = $smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/module/checkout_success.html');[/marker] Copy and paste the following code above the aforementioned highlighted line of code.
$tt_campaignID = '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]'; $tt_productID = '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]'; $tt_imageTag = include './includes/tradetracker.php'; $smarty->assign('tt_imageTag', $tt_imageTag); Make sure to replace the campaignID and productID with the ID's you received from TradeTracker if they are not set in this example.
The result is as follows:
$tt_campaignID = '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]'; $tt_productID = '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]'; $tt_imageTag = include './includes/tradetracker.php'; $smarty->assign('tt_imageTag', $tt_imageTag);
[marker]$main_content = $smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/module/checkout_success.html');[/marker] LOCATE THE CHECKOUT SUCCESS HTML TEMPLATE Locate the checkout_success.html file in the template folder you are using for your site. Normally the checkout_success.html template file is to be found in the following location:
IMPORTANT NOTICE It is important to use the template file of the actual template you are using for your site. If for example the template "EyeCandy" is used, the location of the checkout success file would be: /templates/EyeCandy/module/checkout_success.html
Copy and paste this piece of code at the bottom of the checkout_success.html template file:
<!-- TradeTracker conversion tracking start --> {$tt_imageTag}; <!-- TradeTracker conversion tracking end --> When done, upload or save the file to your server and overwrite the checkout_success.html file.
After these steps are performed, the campaign is ready to be tested. Make sure you use the TradeTracker Tracking Test URL before doing the test. If you don’t have the test URL, please ask your account manager to provide it to you.
Please keep in mind that although we do our very best to cover a wide variety of different implementations and web shop systems, programming languages and conversion registration methods for different situations, we want to state here that they are all merely examples and are not guaranteed to work for your specific situation or specific conversion or tracking needs. The reason for this is that the implementation descriptions provided are based on default system configurations and do not take system configuration settings, customisations and usage of plug-ins into account. Besides that there are also a lot of other variables that can have impact on the correct working of our tracking and conversion registration which we just can't know upfront. In case you do encounter or experience issues when implementing our tracking, please report this to your account manager and describe (in detail) the steps you took and if it's possible, provide the code and/or files you are using for your implementation to the account manager.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=9
05-Dec-2014 09:23:16 |
Standard implementation
You can use the filter options above to select your shop system, the version of your shop. The Version info selection is a short description of the implementation method we created for the shop you selected.
STEP 1 - Download and upload the index.php redirect file to your PlentyMarkets FTP account
Seeing as PlenyMarkets is PHP capable you can download the redirect file here download index.php please add your domainName to line 6 like after downloading the index redirect file, like:
$domainName = ''; After adding your domain to the index file, it should be uploaded to your PlentyMarkets FTP account.
Log in to the FTP account for your PlentyMarkets shop and locate the folder that looks like: /
In this folder create a new folder and name it something that best represents your shop's content.
If you add the folder / for example, the link you should give to your account manager is:
This is the location from within a browser and this redirect location should be communicated to your account manager to set it in our system accordingly.
STEP 2 - Adding our conversion script to your PlentyMarket's order confirmation page
Log in to the Plentymarkets administration and go to Layout --> Layout-Generator --> Bestellbestätigung --> Tracking
The conversion script below must be added to the Body section of the tracking part.
In order to not mess up the code, you should select "Text field" from the dropdown on the right (as in the screenshot above).
Paste the following code within the body input field and press the Save icon.
TradeTracker TRACKING CODE to paste in the body section of Tracking
<script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', // 'sales' or 'lead'. campaignID: '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]', // The campaignID as provided by TradeTracker. productID: '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]', // The productID as provided by TradeTracker. transactionID: '[OrderID]', // Your internal and unique order identifier. transactionAmount: '[ItemAmountNetDot]', // Format: 123.45. Set to zero in case of 'lead' event. quantity: '1', descrMerchant: '[CustomerID]-[ItemIDListPipe]', // Detailed description of the order. Optional. descrAffiliate: '', // Description of the order. Optional. currency: '[Currency]' // Use the ISO 4217 standard, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP, PLN etc. Optional. Defaults to company currency if left empty. }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]&pid=[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]&tid=[OrderID]&tam=[ItemAmountNetDot]&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant=[CustomerID]-[ItemIDListPipe]&event=sales&currency=[Currency]" alt="" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script> The campaign may now be tested.
MULTI COUNTRY CAMPAIGN CONVERSION CODE EXAMPLE FOR IN Layout --> Layout-Generator --> Bestellbestätigung --> Tracking --> Body
If you know what this is and if you have a tracking group ID, you can use this code, if you don't know what it is and do not have tracking group id, use the other code.
<script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', // 'sales' or 'lead'. campaignID: '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]', // The campaignID as provided by TradeTracker. productID: '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]', // The productID as provided by TradeTracker. transactionID: '[OrderID]', // Your internal and unique order identifier. transactionAmount: '[ItemAmountNetDot]', // Format: 123.45. Set to zero in case of 'lead' event. quantity: '1', descrMerchant: '[CustomerID]-[ItemIDListPipe]', // Detailed description of the order. Optional. descrAffiliate: '', // Description of the order. Optional. currency: '[Currency]', // Use the ISO 4217 standard, e.g. EUR, USD, GBP, PLN etc. Optional. Defaults to company currency if left empty. trackingGroupID: '[marker][/marker]' // Only use in case it is set up by TradeTracker. Leave blank by default. }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//[marker][/marker]&pid=[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]&tid=[OrderID]&tam=[ItemAmountNetDot]&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant=[CustomerID]-[ItemIDListPipe]&event=sales&currency=[Currency]" alt="" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script> REDIRECT FOLDER NAMING CONSIDERATIONS When creating the redirect folder keep the following things in mind. The index file functions as a "ghost" site that is visited (unseen by the visitor) to register the click from the affiliate to your site. This is also referred to as the redirect file/folder. The name of the redirect folder should represent the topic of your website as best way possible in one word or phrase.
DO NOT USE a name that resembles any connection or relation to tracking, TradeTracker, tt like:
or anything similar because that can have an negative effect on the performance of the campaign you are about to set up, so just don't do it.
The name of the redirect folder should represent the contents of your website. If your site is selling fashion items or clothing for instance, you could NAME THE REDIRECT FOLDER something like: or
or anything that best represents the content of your website.
Please keep in mind that although we do our very best to cover a wide variety of different implementations and web shop systems, programming languages and conversion registration methods for different situations, we want to state here that they are all merely examples and are not guaranteed to work for your specific situation or specific conversion or tracking needs. The reason for this is that the implementation descriptions provided are based on default system configurations and do not take system configuration settings, customisations and usage of plug-ins into account. Besides that there are also a lot of other variables that can have impact on the correct working of our tracking and conversion registration which we just can't know upfront. In case you do encounter or experience issues when implementing our tracking, please report this to your account manager and describe (in detail) the steps you took and if it's possible, provide the code and/or files you are using for your implementation to the account manager.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=5
14-Mar-2019 15:47:08 |
Web shop systems overview
After selecting your shop, you are able to use the filters to select the correct version of your shop (if available) by making a selection from the Version dropdown menu.
You are able to use the filters in general to navigate through the available content on this portal.
The list below are the most popular solutions that are used, but your solution might also be part of the portal even though it might not be listed below.
Please check the Implementation dropdown menu, to see if your shop is listed.
DISCLAIMER Please keep in mind that although we do our very best to cover a wide variety of different implementations and web shop systems, programming languages and conversion registration methods for different situations, we want to state here that they are all merely examples and are not guaranteed to work for your specific situation or specific conversion or tracking needs. The reason for this is that the implementation descriptions provided are based on default system configurations and do not take system configuration settings, customisations and usage of plug-ins into account. Besides that there are also a lot of other variables that can have impact on the correct working of our tracking and conversion registration which we just can't know upfront. In case you do encounter or experience issues when implementing our tracking, please report this to your account manager and describe (in detail) the steps you took and if it's possible, provide the code and/or files you are using for your implementation to the account manager.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=3
14-Jan-2015 11:42:02 |
Drupal Commerce
Standard implementation
Latest tested and verified version Drupal 7.35 Install profile Commerce Kickstart (commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.22)
SETTING UP THE REDIRECT Seeing as Drupal Commerce uses php you can download the redirect file here download index.php.
After downloading the index.php add your domainName to line 6.
After setting up the redirect for your campaign follow these steps in order to install our conversion registration within your Drupal Commerce environment.
<script type="text/javascript"> var ttConversionOptions = ttConversionOptions || []; ttConversionOptions.push({ type: 'sales', campaignID: '[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]', productID: '[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]', transactionID: '[commerce-order:order-number]', transactionAmount: '[commerce-order:commerce-order-total:amount_decimal]', quantity: '1', descrMerchant: 'Internal orderID [commerce-order:order-id] | [commerce-order:owner]', descrAffiliate: '', currency: '[commerce-order:commerce-order-total:currency_code]' }); </script> <noscript> <img src="//[marker]CAMPAIGN_ID[/marker]&pid=[marker]PRODUCT_ID[/marker]&tid=[commerce-order:order-number]&tam=[commerce-order:commerce-order-total:amount_decimal]&data=&qty=1&descrMerchant=Internal orderID [commerce-order:order-id] | [commerce-order:owner]&descrAffiliate=&event=sales&currency=[commerce-order:commerce-order-total:currency_code]" alt="" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(ttConversionOptions) { var campaignID = 'campaignID' in ttConversionOptions ? ttConversionOptions.campaignID : ('length' in ttConversionOptions && ttConversionOptions.length ? ttConversionOptions[0].campaignID : null); var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; tt.src = '//' + encodeURIComponent(campaignID) + '&t=m'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); s = s[s.length - 1]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tt, s); })(ttConversionOptions); </script> NOTE In case your CAMPAIGN ID and PRODUCT ID are not added to this example yet, they should be added manually.
Within the Drupal Commerce administration go to:
Store settings --> Advanced store settings --> Checkout settings --> 'Completion message' checkout pane:
Click the corresponding configure button and in the Checkout completion message input field add the script that is available on this page.
Please note to also select the Full HTML text format or the conversion registration will not work.
After adding the code and selecting Full HTML text format press Save configuration
The campaign is ready to be tested.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=41
14-Mar-2019 15:29:07 |
6 and higher
Standard implementation
The ePages webshop system uses the StratoShop backend code.
You can use the instructions for StratoShop to complete your implementation.
Shortlink to this article:[id]=30
01-Jul-2014 14:25:44 |